oat malt

I have been thinking about brewing an Oat pale ale for some time and may actually get around to doing it after my next batch. I am planning on using rolled oats, Simpson golden naked oats, and oat malt to make up about 50% of the total grist.

From what I understand the naked oats are basically a crystal oat malt. The dude at the LHBS told me that oat malt can be used as a base malt. Is this true? Does anyone have any experience with plain oat malt?

I plan on using about 50% two row but am curious about the DP of oat malt and the max % I could comfortably use.

I Believe that there are oat malts that are plenty active to self convert even at 100%but a quick search around the intertubes seems to return mixed reviews on that front. I will say that I wouldn’t worry about conversion with 50% ‘normal’ base malt in the mix.

I’ve yet to come across a recipe all or mostly oat malt that received solid reviews from the brewer.

I reached out to a brewery that brews an “OPA” although I think they only use flaked oats. I inquired about what % of oats they used to get a better idea. Hopefully they respond.

Just got a reply that they use 15% flaked oats in their pale. Seems that I should scale everything back substantially…

I’d be afraid of the mash turning to glue. Even if it tastes good, I can’t imagine a 100% oat beer having an enjoyable mouthfeel.

I was planning to use 55% two row. I am now considering upping that to 70% and splitting the remaining 30% between the flaked oats, golden naked oats, & oat malt.

There is an article about oat malt and a 100% oat malt pale ale recipe in the July/August 2007 Zymurgy. Drew wrote it.

Be aware that Michael Lewis wrote about oats in his book on Stout. His findings were not favorable. He said the flavor was not pleasant at the level they used (I don’t recall what the % was).

Yeah I have decided to back down my quantities considerably. I think I am going to use a pound of each type which would end up being around 25% of the total grain bill. My original plan was about 45%. I think this will be my next batch but I am not sure when I will get around to it.

I’m curious what the O/P was looking for from the oats originally? A particular flavor or other characteristic? Just an experiment to see what would happen? Just wondering what drove the question in the first palce. Thanks,

Kind of an experiment. I use flaked oats quite often though in small quantities…I am not sure why. I think I like the affect it has on mouthfeel since I brew a lot of light bodied/dry beers. The guy at the LHBS has noticed that I use flaked oats a lot and has been suggesting Simpson’s golden naked oats noting that they influence more of the flavor and less of the mouthfeel. They also have oat malt which I have never seen or heard much about.

I have been wanting to rework my pale ale so I thought this would be a good opportunity to mess around a bit and do something different. Most of my beers are a bit off the wall and few follow convention so what the hell. Ft George in Astoria, OR brews an OPA which I liked. That gave me even more reason to try it. Theirs uses 15% flaked oats…

Just happen to have that book open… p.50 says they used 30%

Just found this link to a 100% oat malt beer

I found it very helpful although I definitely will not be using 100% oat malt. From the review, it seems to add a very grainy character to the beer.

Thanks for the answer and the article. Good luck with it