Sitting here, I sometimes feel like I’ve been living the typical American middle class life - you know, get born, go to school, go to college, get that job, work hard at it and move up through the ranks, get married, have a kid, yada yada yada.
But one of the things that fascinates me is the various surprising things people make into the “job” that makes them more than just a salaryman’s dues, like the guy who built up the company that does porto-potties in your area.
In that vein what are some odd ones that surprised you to find out “people can make a living doing that?”
Here’s my example - these guys “Two Steps from Hell” - their job? They make music exclusively for video games and movie trailers. Odds are good you’ve heard them and never known it. (And none of their music is released to the public either - although that should be changing soon)
Mikey, if I were you I’d be applying for jobs everyday at Left Hand brewery!
Denny, I find it hard to believe you made an actual living PLAYING music the last 30 years. Producing and running a studio, sure. But touring and writing records doesn’t give you a good income unless you’re the freakin’ Rolling Stones or something…
I haven’t given up on trying to make it in the music biz, but I’m definitely not going to play something I don’t enjoy playing to get there. If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen in the style of music I want to play.
No touring for me…I’ve been there and done that and got too many T shirts! That was why I opened the studio. We’ve done post production and custom music, kinda like Drew mentioned in the OP. After 28 years, we’re in the process of selling off the equipment and closing it down. Good luck to you…I see you’re as idealistic about music as you are about beer.
“disco donnie” promotes dj dance parties all over the united states. he started out throwing “raves” in new orleans and has even had a movie made about him: “rise: rave outlaw disco donnie”.
Donnie Estopinal for providing airline tickets to the Saints vs Cowgirls game this Saturday…and for a full travel package, including tickets, to the SUPERBOWL!
I still work as the head audio engineer at a large performing arts center here and I’ll keep doing that since it’s a union represented city job and I get good benefits. I hope to finally get started on a book I’ve been talking to Brewers Publications about. And hopefully, I won’t have to work Saturdays so much any more!
And as someone who’s been in the music biz for 45 years, I can tell ya that I admire your idealism, but AFAIAC, luck plays a bigger factor in making it than anything, including talent.
Absolutely. I think on paper I’m idealistic, but in reality I’m not really. But it doesn’t matter much either way. I’ve had a couple opportunities to take my drumming to a professional level and they’ve pretty much fallen through. I don’t except the opportunities to stop but I also don’t expect to make it big as a metal drummer either.
Yes, you’ll hate the music, but here’s what I do: