Old Beer Posters/Advertising

Ideally older than the 70s, earlier the better.

says “pei ping beer” at the top


Love this stuff. Thanks for sharing.

Awesome. I love breweriana!

thanks, theres a TON of content out there, i will post more regularly.

If it were easier to share images on this forum I have scans of old newspaper adverts from the1920’s and older as well as some beer labels from Michigan.

if you like you can upload them to a site like Upload your images and then you will get a link, it requires no sign-in and takes a few seconds.

would love to see the pics.

You can also just use taptalk app. Thats what I do. Aside from that I hate taptalk

Here are some that I saved when reading up on James Hanley not too long ago


Pretty good book by Garrett Peck called "Capital Beer: a Heady History of Brewing in Washington, D.C.
He gives a pretty good account of the brewing history from the 1800’s on in the DC, Arlington and Alexandria areas.  I have walked some of the trails and the found a few of the sites, but most of the buildings are all gone.
There are a couple of museums though that have a great collection of old adds and bottles.