I saw this in the store the other day, and immediately picked it up when I saw it was brewed by Pabst.
Adios, craft ale. This macro-brewed ale is the real deal. As the website states: Utilizing the original Brewer’s Log recipe from 1937, this historic American Ale will be sure to satisfy today’s Craft centric millennial consumer. Brewed with 2-row, imported Cara-Munich and Cara-Aroma malts with Nugget, Liberty, Willamette and Cascade hops, this classic American Ale exhibits the fruitiness and maltiness of an extra special bitter.
Pabst is now suing MillerCoors for breach of contract. Apparently MC brewed most of the Pabst out of their Eden, NC brewery which they are closing. MC wants almost triple to keep up brewing the Pabst products.
Hard to know where the real truth lies in all this but it seems like this beer may be harder to find in the near future.
Derek, when I had it last year, it was 6 months old and still tasty. It was the last sixer on the shelf and I have not seen it again. I enjoyed what I bought but I want to try some fresher to see the difference
This thread just made sense out of something I read on Facebook.
A guy at the club was at a contract brewery in Detroit last night named Brew Detroit. He said the bartender said they will be brewing Stroh’s using the "original"recipe. When I read that, I saiD Stroh’s is brand that is owned by Pabst. Why brew it there? If there is the contract litigation and such going on, I think I have an answer.
“Original” recipes always make me wonder how original. None of the hops listed for the old Tankard existed back in the 1930s.