Has anyone used both of these and if so can you tell if it seems to be the same? I really like 940 but found myself ordering from a place (Ritebrew) that did not carry White Labs. The description says “compare to 940” but I know Wyeast had something like 2005 Cerveza Mexicana and it was absolutely NOT 940. Thanks gang.
I would lay odds on both descending from the Modelo culture. A lot of the differences we see between yeast propagators can be put down to the fact that all yeast cultures are plated for singles, often from a culture that contains variants. We also do not know how far away from the reference culture a plated culture is when a new propagator is plating for singles. The chosen colony can make a difference in a yeast culture. However, most variants perform very close to the original strain.
Thank you. Much appreciated. I did find this:
That seems pretty encouraging. 940 makes great “summer beers”, IMO.