omega yeast

Stopped at the LHBS and picked up an omega yeast 004 liquid pack just to try it. The guy told me no nutrient pack to smack just let it get to room temp (3hours min on the package) and pitch. So I waited around 5 hours shook it up and pitched it. This was at 9pm. At 7am the next morning no action at all so i threw on the old us05 and away it went. Omega doesn’t give any info on the pack or on the website but they are local to me that’s why i tried it. The brew shop said i should have waited longer 12 to 48 hours for the fermentation to start!!! That seems excessive to have to wait that long for yeast that are just snoozing right?
Any input would be appreciated im still learning.

Depending on the size of the pitch, 6-48 hour lag is normal. Does the pack not the cell count?


10 hours is asking a lot of a single pack of yeast. Just because you don’t see activity early on doesn’t mean the yeast aren’t working. they are reproducing which does look so exciting.

Do you have any idea what the cell count on that particular package of yeast from that manufacturer is? Not being familiar with the company’s products, I don’t want to rush to judgment - but for Wyeast and White Labs starters are always recommended (or pitch multiple packages of yeast).

Liquid yeast without a starter can easily take 1-2 days before fermentation really takes off.

So its ok to wait up to 48 hours before i see anything happening? Before I can see the bubbler going is there an way i can tell the yeast are working? I would like to harvest some of the yeast from this batch which will be my first time.
Thanks guys,

I would recommend you learn to make a starter for your liquid yeast next time. It will give give you peace of mind in knowing that you are pitching fresh, viable yeast. Then you can rdwhahb and wait patiently for things to get going, which won’t take as long because you made a starter!
You can harvest yeast from this batch. But because you pitched a blend, you will harvest a blend and you won’t know what proportions of each yeast you have. But that’s OK as long the beer you harvest from is free of contamination and tastes good.

+1 - you wouldn’t use half as much grain or hops for any given recipe, so why use only half the amount of yeast you need? Use the calculator at to get an ideda how much yeast you need for any batch.

Anybody here have any experience with their strains ?  I hadn’t heard of the company until this thread started. They seem to have a handful of strains.

Same. I tired to find a store selling online and came up with nothing. Honestly I looked for 2 minutes, but still.

Omega Yeast ( I remember hearing about them at AHA in one of the conferences - I forget which one.  :frowning:

Too many yeast strains and so little time to try each one out…ahhhh…the dilemmas
of a home brewer!

Yes… From their site:
Omega Yeast is available at the following stores:
Brew Camp
4639 N Damen Ave.  |  Chicago, IL 60625  |  (773) 784-2400
821 Chicago Ave.  |  Evanston, IL 60602  |  (847) 869-7127

Chicago Brew Werks
14903 S. Center Street  |  Plainfield, IL 60544  |  815-531-5557

Home Brew Shop, Ltd
225 West Main St.  |  St. Charles, IL 60174  |  630-377-1338

Chicagoland Winemakers, Inc.
689 W. North Ave.  |  Elmhurst, IL 60126  |  630-834-0507

Valpo Brew’s
307 E. Lincolnway Blvd.  |  Valparaiso, IN 46383  |  219-462-2233

What’s Brewing? Supply
335 W Northwest Highway  |  Palatine, Il 60067  |  847-359-Brew(2739)

I meant an online retailer. I checked two of the listed shops and neither had that yeast available online.

a quick search shows that Chicagoland Beer & Wine Makers ships but it looks like you would have to call in your order.  I didn’t see the Omega yeast listed on their site… but I’m betting the website isn’t a complete listing. has an online shop that sells them. has an online store but Omega yeasts aren’t listed… may have to call for that one as well…

Brew & Grow have just begun selling it.  They sell online but I’m not sure if their website reflects that.  Omega’s claim to fame is their Saisonstein Monster which is a hybrid of Dupont (3724?) with 3711.

IIRC their packaged yeast has a yeast count of 10 million (10 billion?) comparable to Wyeast packaged yeast.

Omega 004 is described on the website as being comparable to Wyeast1056/WLP001, so your second pitch probably won’t change your beer that much.

I’m kegging 5 gallons this weekend that used Omega DIPA (Conan). It was very fresh - I pitched it 3 weeks after the packaging date.

1.070 OG
1 minute pure O2
1.5 L starter
Fermented at 68

It was pretty quiet for the first 18-24, but then took off like a rocket and achieved 78% AA. And I like what I’m tasting so far.

The package says use starter over 1.060, but I would make one regardless.
As others have said, Starter + Oxygen + Temperature = Tasty Beer

I would definitely top crop that yeast - they are often better with a couple generations under their belt, generally speaking, IMHO.  It’s a hobby, so why not?

i know this thread is dead and old, but any takes on omega yeast?

i was listening to a recent podcast and someone from omega was saying that they aim for an effective 200 million cell count, enough for 5gal/1.05gravity wort without a starter and with no issues.

any takes on their quality or this statement? i have access to them but theyre about 3 dollars more than a whitelabs. any faves?

I’m only just now putting my first beer with one of their yeasts on tap (Lutra Kviek), but I am very happy with the performance so far. I’m leery of trying new yeast manufacturers in place of the tried and true brands I’ve been using for years, but I will definitely be using more Omega in the future now. I’m especially interested in Sundew for Pale Ales, Fruit beers and Blond ales.