Are there any alcoholic beverages you don’t like at all?
When I was a crewmember in the U.S. Navy decades ago on a ASW patrol aircraft flying in the N. Atlantic and Artic Oceans, I sampled drinks in many different countries.
One serving of Norwegian aquavit was more than I wanted. The strong flavor of anise combined with other spices tasted like diesel fuel smells to me. I apologize to the Norwegians. I just didn’t like it.
They are wonderful people living in a country with beautiful scenery, and I very much enjoyed the weeks I spent operating out of airbases above the great Trondheim Fjord and also near Bodo. Besides, who can dislike brewers who gave the world kveik yeasts?
The other beverage also containing anise I shunned after one sample was ouzo. This was served in a ramshackle taverna in the Azores, and was probably not of the highest quality.
I’m sure that every beverage that someone dislikes will have many adherents on the other side that love it.
This was my story. What’s yours?