One was too many!

Are there any alcoholic beverages you don’t like at all?

When I was a crewmember in the U.S. Navy decades ago on a ASW patrol aircraft flying in the N. Atlantic and Artic Oceans, I sampled drinks in many different countries.

One serving of Norwegian aquavit was more than I wanted.  The strong flavor of anise combined with other spices tasted like diesel fuel smells to me.  I apologize to the Norwegians.  I just didn’t like it.

They are wonderful people living in a country with beautiful scenery, and I very much enjoyed the weeks I spent operating out of airbases above the great Trondheim Fjord and also near Bodo.  Besides, who can dislike brewers who gave the world kveik yeasts?

The other beverage also containing anise I shunned after one sample was ouzo.  This was served in a ramshackle taverna in the Azores, and was probably not of the highest quality.

I’m sure that every beverage that someone dislikes will have many adherents on the other side that love it.

This was my story.  What’s yours?


Dislike? Cloying desert wine. Harsh alcohol Whiskey and the like.

But for the most part I’m pretty open-minded and have a broad palette. And just because I’ve had a few examples of some drink which sucked, doesn’t mean I will refuse to try a different one. But by about the third try, it’s going to have to pass my nose’s approval regimen before I subject my taste buds to it again.

Sour beer.

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I tried Grappa once and Ouzo once.  That was enough for me.  I am not a big fan of some bourbons, but most hard alcohol tastes the same to me.  I would also say white wine is a no go for me.  Too sweet.

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I dislike highly tannic wines and cloyingly sweet wines.

I don’t understand the current fad for bourbon. Frankly, a lot of distilled spirits just taste harsh and unpleasant to me.

I do like some of the really herbal, aromatic spirits and liqueurs, like Chartreuse. And anything with good anise, lavender, rose flavors. I’m probably one of the only people living who actually likes Jägermeister in its original use as a digestif.

Longshot Hazelnut Brown (1996?).  Bought six, tried one, and the following weekend went to a cook-out at a friend’s and abandoned the other 5.  Apparently he tried one because a couple weeks later he returned the favor.  Not sure what ever happened to the other 4.

replies to above:

aquavit - tastes okay, tasted like a clean vodka with caraway. fine but really one note and not a great note at that.

sweet ouzo - it used to be priced much cheaper than other 40% alcohol spirits so i’d get it as a kid. bad hangover memory and its super sweet.

cloying desert wine including overly sweet port - yes, obvious reasons why

sour beer - there was a trend here of kettle sours which were just really lame sour beers with no complexity or interesting characteristics. horrible, thankfully theyre gone.

bourbon/whiskey - bourbon popularity is just a man’s club thing currently going on. it’s expensive and people can claim/state there is something to “understand/appreciate” about it - double bragging points. i like some bourbons for sure, but as i think i said recently in the whiskey thread - i want max flavour without excessive alcohol and whiskey, especially the “barrel proof” type ones. would much rather have a really good beer than a relaly good whiskey that is going to be way more expensive and have more alcohol in it per ml of enjoyment.

my own:

idk if they still make it but very sweet french brandy. bad experience once where i bought some intending to drink it with a friend, but it was way way way sweeter than i expected.

korean green bottle cheap soju of any brand - really bad stuff. hyper low quality ethanol doctored up with dozens of artificial flavourings and sweeteners. very bad headaches.

chinese baijus with the flower scent aromas. literally tastes like the lowest quality 3rd world ethanol mixed with rose water for flavour. super bizarre

unassertive and/or sweet gin.

hendrick’s gin - very harsh and smells like an old woman’s flower perfume.

“bear beer” from denmark

all those dirty cheap hyper lagers (10%ABV and up) from the netherlands. you’re making a trash malt liquor but it doesn’t need to be THIS bad.

vegetal macro lite beer, with low ibu ie. coors lite, etc.

finlandia - tastes like medical use ethanol

I can’t get into Hendrick’s, either. For me, it’s the cucumber. I’m not into savory flavors in beverages, and cucumber kind of straddles the line between savory and refreshing to me. For a similar reason, even though I like sour beer I don’t enjoy Gose. If the salt level is enough to taste it, then it’s not for me.

I enjoy scotch, bourbon, and some rye and blended whiskeys. For some reason, I can’t get into Irish Whiskey, and some other unpeated whiskeys (generally lighter ones). If the booze note is there, but there’s no peat or sweetness to fill it out, then it doesn’t do much for me. I don’t hate them, but I don’t seek them out like I do for other whiskeys.

Wait! I know the homebrewer who won that year.
I wish they would bring that competition back.

agree on irish whiskey and gose. though ive had maybe 2 goses in my life max, it just did not do anything special for me and seemed like a forced trend.

irish whiskey is the kind of thing you somehow feel compelled to like, but i havent had a good one yet. also there seems to be no consensus on what it is. jameson is just sharp and high, bushmills black tasted like an over-sweet pile of mild mush from how i remember.

Chinese baijiu.

Some claim it’s the most consumed spirit in the world. Maybe, considering the population of China, the very low cost, and up to about 65% ABV.

Its crystal clear and served in a small ceramic shot glass. The first thing you notice is the pungent aroma, and not in an inviting way. The taste isn’t much better, at least for the first few.

i forgot to say this. chinese booze is conceptually very different and the 56% and up baijiu must have been that was as the most surefire way to know its that percent and not adulterated (alcohol burns easily(?) at 56%). but yeah it is horrible, horrible, absolutely industrial like youre drinking cleaning fluid or something. there are a bunch of weird artificial flower baijius out there too that taste like industrial alcohol mixed with a ton of rose water. really bizarre horrible stuff from china tbh.

never had desi daru, but it may be another level as many, many people die or get injured from it every year.

My Uncle (mother’s older brother) was a Catholic Priest, and one of the better people I have had the privilege to know. RIP, and God rest his soul. We got along like peas in a pod. I’ll never forget one time I went to work on his computer, (he just loved MS word and publisher and PCs in general), and when we were done, he  gave me a Sake gift set and said here, if you like this sort of thing, this is supposed to be some really good Sake.  Gekkeikan Sake, I’ll never forget it.  The set came with 4 glasses and a cool ceramic fired bottle.

I tried it and omg, it was horrible.  Not wanting to waste, I put it in the cupboard and yea, not drinking that sh&^.  Lmao.  This was in my early 20s. I had a party at my house later that summer with all the hoodlums in the neighborhood invited, it was an epic bash.  Midnight came and went, there were card games going, horseshoes and volleyball outside still, and loads of people massively drunk. A few talked about how they NEVER throw up, and I overheard this and I made a challenge to any takers.  Drink ONE shot of this Sake and you can’t hurl, $10 bet/payout!  Not a single person was able to drink that crap without throwing chunks all over the yard.  I’m lol remembering it now.  One sip had been enough to give me dry heaves when I was sober, I couldn’t imagine trying that stuff after 12 hours of drinking. :smiley:


Yeah, Gekkeikan is definitely NOT the good stuff lol. It’s like the Bud/Miller/Coors of sakes. There’s nothing technically bad about it per se, but there’s not a lot good about it, either. It’s generally the stuff served hot at hibachi places, or watered down and filled in those little peeing boy water guns that they spray your mouth with around the grill. Sake is an acquired taste for many, but good sake is sublime. If you’re up for trying some better quality stuff Tyku Black is a solid example that is widely available, at least in my area. Drink it cool or cold depending on your preference (white wine temps down to fridge temps).

^^^^ They say it’s been around for centuries. Like since the 1600s or so.  It didn’t inspire me to go try other brands, that’s for sure. For the most part I avoid distilled spirits. Thankfully I never acquired a taste for it and don’t want to try now.  Some mixed drinks I can do, but rarely and few.

Sake isn’t distilled. It’s essentially* unhopped 100% rice beer.

  • I know this is a gross oversimplification.

Cool, I was not aware of that. Never looked into what it was, I assumed it was some sort of spirits.  But a really bad sort, lol.

I will definitely say that Malort made me feel like my insides got punched