Organising a BJCP exam

I’m in the process of organising a BJCP exam and group in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The exam dates we are looking at are June or September 2013. The website is a bit confusing, but it seems that three people are required, an exam administrator and two proctors, all of whom need to be of at least National rank and all of whom need to travel to the exam area. There are currently no National judges in British Columbia, I am in contact with one fellow in Vancouver who hopes to be National soon, so there is a possible one. The other two could prove difficult, is the BJCP at all flexible on this? The website says sometimes exceptions are made. Another possibility is trying to bring in a couple people from Alberta or Washington State, but this could be challenging and expensive. I also see sometimes the BJCP can approve funds for this. Any advice for how best to proceed?

The very best idea is to contact the Exam Directors.

The exam administrator does not need a particular rank. The Proctors need to be National or above or have a taste score National or above.

We have a good pool of National or higher judges here in Washington, which makes me think there is a good chance you could get a few to come up and help.  You might even be able to convince one of the more ambitious Master level judges to organize as they get Grand Master Service points for organizing such things.

Just make sure to steer clear of Father’s Day and/or NHC weekend next June.