Packing Peanuts

Starch… ;D

Discussion Please.  (seems repulsive to me, but was in another heading under fav online venders)

Interestingly enough there was an insert in my packages from AHBS about the peanuts. Made from starch it says. Biodegradable. Stronger.

Someone should email them and ask if their packing peanuts are edible  :smiley:

they dissolve in water, it’s an easy way to get rid of them

I love throwing a few handfuls of them into the women’s toilet at work.

You can make homemade Napalm with them…ah…childhood.  I remember it well.

Ok just what are you doing in the women`s bathroom?  ???

As the chief engineer, I’m required to make sure all facility systems are working in every location . . .and to throw a few handfuls of bio packing peanuts into the women’s toilet to let them slowly slime themselves into a hideous goo with the accompanying screams of horror.

What kind of beer would you make with this?  A super light colored pils?
add something for body…or some funky color for punked out beer?