Rancho Dark Strong Ale

This is my original take on BDSA. This is on deck, although I’m not sure I’ll get there until July.

42% German Pilsner
25% American Pale Ale
12% German Dark Munich
5% Belgian Special B
16% Lyles Golden Syrup

3787, 149 F Single Infusion, Westmalle Profile, OG on the lower end due to high attenuation from 3787 (shooting for 1.074)

19 IBU Cascade, 7 IBU Saaz (Whole Leaf)

I’ve had good luck flavor wise from mixing base malt in this style.

No dark candi syrup?

I like the blended base malts as well. I’ve used Castle Pils and Crisp MO in combo on quite a few occasions, and it does bring a nice depth to a style like this.

I have access to the CSI Syrups but over 30 minutes from my house. I’ve been trying to use ingredients more readily available.

I really like mixing Pils, Pale and Munich in these styles.

Good call.  Looks like it will be good. Have you used the Lyles syrup in a belgian before?

I haven’t but the issue I’ve been running into is when crafting 1 gallon recipes with anything over 12% syrup I’m getting very dark color. The lyles is an attempt the get the color in the 15 SRM range.

Have you tried the Simplicity or Golden from here?  Products -                   Candi Syrup, Inc.

I have but the Lyle’s is a bit darker than the golden.