I asked this a while back on TechTalk, but with the new year rolling around, thought that I would ask it again: Have there been any thoughts on delivering Zymurgy electronically to AHA members? Personally speaking, I would LOVE a PDF version, as it would be easier to archive and search than a stack of magazines to manage. Anyone else feel the same way?
Nope, then you’d have to take an ipod or laptop into the potty with you. :-\ :-[ :-\
Where do you think I’m posting from right now? :o
An e-book format or pdf would be nice. Then I could just add it to the Kindle which is much easier to take into the potty. ;D
Yes, there has been much discussion of this in the AHA and the GC. Don’t know when it will happen, but at some point it definitely will.
Thrilled to hear it. I’m hoping for sooner rather than later.
welcome to 21-st century. :) ;D