I just picked a sack of Pearl 2-row Pale up from the LHBS for $39. I’ve never had grain so cheap. It was sold to me as Weyermann but says Muntons on the bag. So I’m assuming this grain is British 2-row. My intention was to brew and investigate the Weyermann and really didn’t snap to what had been purchased until this AM.
Anyone brew with this grain? I’ve had good results with Muntons in the past but really wondering if I should take it back to the LHBS.
FWIW they also sold me 10’ of vinyl 3/8 tubing instead of the bevlex I wanted. Which I needed anyway, but need new beer line even more. :-\
I get Munton’s Pearl from my local brewpub. I find that it’s aroma and flavor more consistent than the munton’s Maris Otter. The beer clarity is good and I consistently get > 80% efficiency. Unless you want to go to an Optic or Halcyon (and spend the extra $), It’s just a great base malt.
The MO and Golden Promise have been decent grain in the past. Not earth shattering but then again I’ve converted over to a no-sparge system and even Briess 2-row has been tasty.
I’ll stick with the Pearl then and whup up some brew.
how was the pearl malt? I have some friends that want to collaborate on a heady topper clone, and they want to get the exact ingredients, but pearl is a special order versus the maris otter i already have in house.
just wondering if it really is a different flavor than maris otter?