Ordered a sack of Rahr standard two row from my LHBS. After hearing they accidentally tossed it (uncrushed) into their mash, I didn’t have the heart to refuse the incorrectly ordered Pale Ale Malt replacement. I’m guessing it’s similar to say, Maris Otter. I was going to use it in an American Amber, maybe an American Brown, but figured, hell it’s called Pale Ale Malt, so why not a Pale Ale. That said, is anyone familiar with this malt and should I consider reducing other malts such as crystal or munich if I had them planned?
JT, I got a sack of it earlier in the year from Listermann’s and have been very happy using it for all my 2 row needs. Really no comparison notes to pass along as its just my second sack of 2 row but I’m liking what I brew with it, unless you were actually talking about their pale ale malt and I have experience with that
I went through a bag a few months ago. I would say it is richer and maltier than 2-row. I didn’t think it was overly nutty or anything though. I liked it. I even made a light-ish lager with it and thought that came out pretty good.
I’ve used their pale malt several times. It is a tad darker and more malty sweet (comparatively) than their 2 row, but not so much so that I’d cut back much on Munich or crystal, depending on what you’re after. It’d work great for American Amber, American Brown, or APA. I might cut crystal back a tad using it in APA. But I limit crystal in APA anyway.
I have been really happy with Rahr 2-row. A friend uses Rahr Pale Malt almost exclusively, and he brews excellent beers. Rahr Pale Malt is definitely more flavor positive than their 2-row, but it does not taste like British pale.
Great, thanks all!
Their “Pale Ale” base malt is our stock house grain for the brewery and homebrew shop. Its the perfect base for almost all styles. Excellent extraction and flavors w/ hoppy beers and even some dark styles browns/porters but we also tend to use a lot of Floor Malted MO for stouts and our Black IPA.
curious to know how much they charge for the 50 LB bag?
You know I’m not really sure, but it wasn’t high. I also ordered a sack of Rahr standard 2 row recently for well under 40 bucks with a club discount.