Peated malt

Maybe I should flush my lb of peated malt…sounds like it could be trouble…

Ya. All you have to do is mention peat smoked malt and before you know it a mob has formed with torches and pitchforks

Reporting for duty.
11% of “lightly peated” whiskey malt only shows up in the form of smoke. No peat, no exhaust pipes, no bog marshes, no LaBrea Tar Pit Fumes. Just mild saussagey smoke.

Mind, at 5ppm, I’d be hesitant to even call it “peated”, but that’s what the label said.

Coming back on-topic, I have no particular opinion on the BJCP. Except if they think peat has no place in beer.

finally did it, made a small ~4 litre wort with 1lb of peated malt in it. smell was not HORRIBLE, but not a distinctly “hmm this smells good”. kind of like dead/dying down campfire, not super clear or distinct.

taste isn’t great, but really i will let people know in a few weeks.

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There’s nothing else like a little electrical fire smoke to stimulate the senses.

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ok, so again - whenever i would search for actual tasting notes on peated malt the comments would be hyperbolic one way or the other or simply not as descriptive as i would hope. so here are my notes:

this was a quick bry97 ale that was roughly half simpsons peated malt and half pale malt, minimal hopping with magnum.

as soon as you put your nose over the glass its very obvious that peated malt smell. this is the smell added to my nasal memory from smelling the peated malt before brewing with it.

it’s a dry husky smoke smell, bright. various tree/plant elements jump around it again like dried reeds/stems that have been cut. little bit of cooked ham, taste has light iodine, dry gray smoke. drying effect with little specks of hot low phenolics, almost black pepper but not. an overall hot effect and lightly astringent on the tongue. very end is clean pale malt with some light fruity esters of the yeast. note im drinking this flat and its a clear sample from the primary. unfortunately did not check the OG or SG on it but its approx 6% ABV im guessing.

drinking this by itself is an exercise but its not in this formula something i would even want a 330ml of necessarily. however considering this was basically a 50/50 peated malt and pale malt it is FAR from “undrinkable”, and the expected taste of a peasted, blended scotch whisky is definitely evident. you could use peated malt as an element of a beer for sure, but yes realistically it would be something in the 10 maybe even 20% range and done with some purpose in mind as well.