Pet Peeves

Pet peeves!?!, I have a few! Certain things bug the crap out of me! Let me share one! If my wife opens a closet door to retrieve an item, whatever it may be, she will just partially close the door. And when I walk by I will constantly make a point to close it with a boisterous comment and then the retort from her will sound much like a young child…" I’m not finished yet". Then we bust each others chops a little more and laugh but down deep it really plays against my OCD’s.

Anyone care to share a pet peeve?

The way most goat cheese is packaged in plastic wrapped tube shapes. It’s hard to unwrap because it sticks to the cheese then the cheese gets all over my hands and the counter. Then I waste a ziplock bag to store the rest because you can’t just wrap it back up.
I think goat farmers are so used to goats being jerks that they want be jerks to everyone else.


I used to get peeved at some of the things my wife does but then the wife of a close friend died and I realized that those little things really don’t matter. Enjoy each other while you are here.

Good One Denny!!

That Cadillacs, Teslas and BMWs don’t come with turn signals.

You would think… ::slight_smile:

Idiots. They’re taking over the world. Make me feel like MENSA material, which I’m definitely not at age 76 :slight_smile:

You’ve noticed that, too?

They actually do come with them, they are just out of blinker fluid!

I guess my actual Pet Peeve is we provide anyone and everyone with a driver’s license and so many just cannot drive. As someone who routinely logged over 50k miles per year for over 20 years I can say with confidence many people should not be driving. Add to that people still playing with their phones, eating, applying makeup, talking, etc. while they only have one responsibility which is to drive the car.

In our area I have found newer mode VW drivers feel they are excellent behind the wheel and they are not. And despite Tesla drivers ability to pass any vehicle with ease, they seem to mostly slow crawl in the fast lane.

Final driving pet peeve comment. In the US the leftmost lane on any road with two lanes or more in the same direction is the passing lane. If you are not passing, move to the right until such time as you need to pass another vehicle. There are two directions you can go while in that lane, forward, or to the right. Once you have completed passing move back to the right. Do not ride in the passing lane and if someone approaches you at a faster rate of speed move forward to complete your pass and then move right. Some states have laws which mandate the lane be clear with the exception of passing, in others it is not required by law, but should be required. Some states call it the fast lane, if you aren’t driving fast, move right. So, so easy!

They don’t want them to burn out, so they save them for special occasions.

That’s because we let the lobbyists convince us build cities that require a car to get around. Preventing someone from driving in most parts of the US pretty much excludes them from participating in the economy.

But providing I’m using the lane for passing, I’m under no obligation to help you speed more.

The only difference between those cars and porcupines is that with porcupines the pricks are on the outside.

In my area, the leftmost lane on most freeways is no longer the fast lane. It is now a toll lane or a carpool lane. If it is a toll lane entrance and exit to the lane is often restricted to designated locations. If it is a carpool lane, the traffic may be moving much faster than the lane to the right, so merging out of it is challenging and potentially dangerous.

And while true, expect to see a vast reduction in vehicle separation until the passing maneuver is completed. I seem to recall the required separation in NC is 4ft (four). 4ft appears very, very close at 70mph or higher. Some may be tempted to tap their brakes to signify their displeasure at the legal separation distance. This would be unwise as it may cause irrational behavior in some drivers. I’ve witnessed, but luckily not been involved in, numerous instances where road rage almost happened due to a brake check.

A fun story. There were these two cars who were clogging up the fast lane. I went right and passed them. Turns out they were road raging one another and one was trying to piss off the other by slowing and not letting them pass. Eventually they decided faster was better than slower. They blew by me in the right lane like I was sitting still. Recognizing their high rate of speed and dispositions, I got in the left lane, about 1/8 mile behind and rode like the devil for a long way while they battled it out clearing a path for yours truly to make up for lost time. Not sure if they split off later down the road or what, but it was fun while it lasted.

Not sure why my post did not show, so I will give it one more try.

My pet peeve is more sports related.  It absolutely drives me up a wall when talking to somebody or reading somebody post saying “we” when talking about their favorite sports team.  I usually respond with, let me go take a look at the roster and see if your name is on it.  LOL.  I then say “them” or “they” as to say you are not part of the team, but simply a fan with absolutely no input on anything team related.  LOL.  Most get mad and walk away, but it is one of many of my pet peeves.  LOL

YES!! Also jacked up trucks…

I am seriously annoyed by sportscasters who say everything in the present tense.

How about sports fans who think they could make better GMs? They always think they could trade their team’s bad players and get other team’s good players in return.

That’s how a Browns fan has to be!! They pretty much trade QB’s like no one else and then fail miserably!! LOL! Die Hard Browns fan because I love a great loser.

Thank you for saying “they”  LOL.