Pics of recent brews?

I don’t know How you did it… but I haven’t even had a beer yet, and suddenly… I’m smelling Amarillo hops!  Seriously!  ???

The pisser is that I don’t have any Amarillo on hand either… <Charles Heston’s voice from Planet of the Apes> ; *Damn you… damn you all to hellllll! *   :D  Just kidding, don’t really mean that you know.  :wink:

Our Belgian Dubbel we just kegged

OK, now I’m thirsty.

Kriek 6 months in Hungarian Oak…delicious

APA  columbus showcase  Wanted a clone of Avery Hog Heaven…this beer is
sorely lacking in maltiness in a side by side taste…otherwise not far off…

My 2010 attempt of an Oktoberfest. I think I did well. Maltiness needs a teency boost but otherwise nice.
A nice German noble hop presence.

Here is my Mojave Red on a hike I took today.

Now that is a hiker, takes a glass and beer along for the pause for rehydration. Cheers.

My steam, it was good…

Excellent photo!

Volcanic landscape?  Looks like your beer is resting on a spatter rampart, and the peak in the background might be an erroded cinder cone or perhaps a large hornito…

The joshua trees are very cool too!

Man, geology is so cool! Where’d you get yer lernin’ from? I’ve wanted to get more into learning about formations and geologic history but the farthest I’ve come is a series of walking trails in my area that have guidebooks to point out interesting tidbits.

I live on an erupting volcano, Kilauea, 14 miles from the active vent, Puu O`o.  I’ve been studying volcanic geology up close and personal for the last 14 years.  Much more interesting than anything I studied in college!

I am an engineer, lab tech and water systems operator by training.  I moved to Hawaii Island to live on the volcano.

Our Marzen

Here’s the first pour of my very first homebrew.
Malty Mississippi Red Ale kit from Rebel Brewer.
It tastes delicious, BTW.  :slight_smile:

Very nice, congratulations :slight_smile:

That pic was taken a while ago. I’m now down to my last 5 bottles of that batch. Got two more 5 gallon batches ready to go into bottles any day now.

Yum!  Very nice.  Did you bring some for everybody?

That’s the spirit!

A nice blend of barleywine and a pale ale.

Another pic of Mojave Red, my house ale, as the MLT drains.

I’m a terrible photographer but somebody else took a pic of one of my American Amber Lagers that came out real nice: