I found a vial of WLP833 that had just reached it’s expiration date. I put it in a 1 L starter and then decanted that and added 2 more L of starter wort to build it back up and it’s going along nicely.
But, I’m not 100% sure what to make with it. I was originally thinking Maibock for spring but I was wondering if a lower alcohol pilsner would be alright. I’m not that big on higher abv beers. What do you think this yeast would do if I used it in a 4.5% pils style? I normally would use the Mexican Lager strain for this but since I have this yeast ready maybe I’ll use it instead. This should also give me a decent pitch of healthier yeast if I wanted to make a batch or two of O’fest like everyone else is doing…
WLP website indicates 833 has gained popularity for use in a CAP.
I think it would make a great German Pils or Helles. Go for it!
833 will be a little more malty than 830, but will make a fine Pils.
I just used it in a bopils and the hydro samples so far have been fantastic.
Yes it will. I believe Ron’s Ringler Pils used 833 and it was awesome.