Please critique this American coffee stout

Based on jamils American, with moshers suggestion of IPA hopping schedule, and cold-steeped coffee.

10.8 lbs light dme
1 lb black roasted barley
.75 lb choc malt
.75 lb crystal 40
1oz northern brewer 60 min
1oz Amarillo 10 min
1 oz simcoe 5min

US05 at 67
Coffee extract and 1oz each Amarillo simcoe in 2ndary for 10 days

Well you won’t know for certain how this one turns out till you send me a bottle and I critique it for you.  ;D

I would say a coffee stout shouldn’t be that highly hopped.  I wouldn’t think it would a) blend well with the coffee, and b) the coffee adds bitterness/acidity.

I am also in the camp that Hop flavor and Coffee flavor don’t seem to go too well together. However, Naked City up in Seattle does a coffee IPA, and I have heard its excellent. In my coffee Stouts/Porters, I usually keep the Hopping to a minimum, opting for an oz or so of a high alpha variety at 60 minutes. I pour a shot of espresso into each bottle to add the coffee flavor, though I am thinking of doing 2-4 cups of cold steeped coffee in my next batch…

I think the bittering hops are fine, but I drink my coffee like motor oil so I dig the bitterness. As far as aroma hops go, I think herbal/floral/spicy would work fine in small doses, but I’d stay away from the big citrus/piny hops like the Amarillo and Simcoe you have. Maybe something like 0.5 oz of Fuggles or Tettnang at 10 minutes.

I do like lemon with coffee, so maybe Sorachi Ace would be interesting as an aroma/flavor hop, but I wouldn’t bet the farm on that combo.

Coffee IPA, very interesting…that’s either really effin’ good or horrible. 
A shot of espresso is each bottle? Damn, that’s a lot!

Naked City is known for doing some really crazy things. The next time I go, the coffee IPA is on the list to try. They were out when I was there last. I did have a Cascadian Red that was fermented with a Belgian yeast, and it tasted like I was sucking on a bubblegum jolly rancher. I was less than a huge fan of that beer.

I have found that 1 shot of espresso + 21 oz of beer gives me just enough coffee flavor and bitterness that I know I am drinking a coffee porter, but not enough that the coffee is bashing me over the head. As I said, I might try a couple cups of cold brewed coffee in my next coffee porter or stout.