I’ve been searching for the potential extract values of rye malt and rolled oats and have found limited resources on the web. I don’t use any software to calculate my recipes, I’ve just created my own spread sheet using average potential extract values I’ve found in brewing books and I usually hit my target gravity right on with my all malt beers.
Has anyone found reliable potential extract values for rye or rolled oats, or know if the potential extract simply varies greatly from batch to batch with these grains?
Beersmith uses 29 ppg for the Rye Malt and 37 ppg for Flaked Oats, which I would think would be about the same as rolled Oats. I haven’t used Oats in a brew so can’t confirm that one with practical experience but the Rye Malt potential seems accurate.
I’ve used Rye Malt and Oats and when I have, I’ve come pretty close to the numbers predicted by the Beersmith calculations (using those default values). Granted, the Oats have only been a little over a pound so it would be hard to tell but the Rye has been up to half the grist so that one should be pretty accurate.