ppg of rye malt

I’m seeing anywhere from 29 to 38 ppg for rye malt. Anyone have an accurate figure?

That would depend on the maltster and sometimes, even the lot. Getting the information from the maltster’s web site will get you where you need to be.

I have about 3 years worth of saved MA data for Weyermann Pale Rye. Here is the average:

Fine Grind (Dry Basis) - 82.0% (1.038)
Moisture Content - 5.41%
Fine Grind (As-Is) - 77.5% (1.036)

I imagine the lower end of what you are seeing may be flaked rye.

Thank you. I will likely be using Weyermann so that is very helpful.

I would use the Fine Grind (As-Is) % for extract calculations.