This is just too funny not to share
ATO represent! ;D
What is this I don’t even…
Butt, I didn’t mean it.
That darn near wrecked 'em
Frat boys should be neutered anyway. That kind of behavior just reinforces that opinion.
Alriiiiightyyyy thennnnnnn.
Foul play.
It’s going to be real interesting how they explain that one in “full living color” at the trial… “Honest judge I tried to hit it out but I was in a slump at the time…”
Did it kill him?
No, it rectum!
‘and that the fraternity was negligent in supervising its guests and members.’
…This defeats the purpose of a frat house anyway…
it was a good idea at the time.
I read recently that to be considered for membership in ATO one must take an IQ test. If your IQ rating is higher than that of a #2 pencil membership is denied.
I wonder which end of the rocket he inserted-either way is gonna hurt, but one way will hurt a lot more.
Gotta love that it’s not the kid who had a bottle rocket go off in his butt that’s suing. :
What you’re supposed to do is just tape them with the fuses together, aiming opposite directions, and let them fight it out. My normally safety-obsessed father suggested that one somewhere after I showed up one Fourth with a couple gross of the things.
Hey, we were second on campus in GPA!
Oh… It looks good on you though… :o