I bbq’d a pork shoulder on the smoker all day, then made fusion tacos by blending the bbq style in a texmex taco. Got started around 8:30am and we ate around 8pm. I went with a 9lb picnic cut, drinking a fat tire clone beer nearly the entire time. Great day, great food.
Entire cook was over pear and oak.
This is my rig, a proper Texas pit
After 5 hours into it, I decided it was time to wrap.
These were my veggies, some from the garden, some the store
After 4 more hours, 9 total I judged it done at 190.
grilled veggies in olive oil
Salsa made with fresh tomatoes, peppers, garlic in the blender with some cilantro
Finished product, mixed the veggies with the meat and let them meld together. The one on the left was spicy with some smoked jalapenos added. They were HOT.
These were then used as filling for soft corn tortillas with sour creme, salsa, cheese and cilantro. No picture of the true finish plate ready product. You make it and take one