Pumpkin Seeds???

I was just harvesting the seeds from a pumpkin Ms. Tubercle was using as a Halloween decoration so I could roast them.

I noticed some of the seeds were partially sprouted.

Tubercle had an ephf…ephiy…ephyif…bright idea that this is malted pumpkin seed!!!

I’m saying it was like getting hit in the face with a carp rod.

Tubercle started wondering if they would contribute any sugar in the partially sprouted stage like barley, corn and wheat. Anybody got any data on this???

Also, after the seeds are roasted they are kind of crunchy and bet they would grind up well in the ol’ BC.

Roasted flavor and color contributions??

We brewers sure do think weird.

Stop me before it’s too late.

JUST STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!  Yer gonna hurt yerself…:wink:

I think seeds have more fat than anything else.

Seeds=Nuts=PORK FAT!

What are ya sayin’?  Fry 'em in pork fat first, then into the mash??  Pumpkin Pork Ale…  mmmmmm!  ;D

Tubercle’s thought about this and its probably not a good idea. That fat thing will be a head retention killer. Besides these are vegetable seeds, not grass seeds. DOH!!

And if it could be done it would have been already. Tubercle - and the rest of us- are about 6000 years behind the Sumerians and all the other folks that had a lot more time to experiment with adult beverages on their hands than we do.

Tubercle raises a pint to all of their work so we don’t have to.

[thought] Wonder how many people they killed with poisonous stuff [/thought]

tubercle, I’m with you. Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale has roasted pumpkin seeds, and it’s my fave pumpkin beer (and I really hate most pumpkin beers.)

I think you should always try to run with those bright flashes of genius, because even if they are failures at least you regret something you did do rather than something you didn’t do.

As for the fat content… add carapils and damn the torpedos.

That’s the creed I live by in everything ;D

Some times it works, sometime not.


Pumpkin seeds sauted in a little bacon grease then baked in a 425 degree oven


Could be the 2008 Trader Joes Vintage Ale talking though  ;D

Elysian’s Great Pumpkin for this year had pumpkin seeds in the mash and it was fantastic.

I tried it with roasted pumpkin seeds in my second batch of pumpkin beer last fall and the first batch turned out much better, not sure if it was because of the seeds, may have been changes in the squash.

I didn’t have any trouble with head retention.

Thanks for bringing this topic up again. I had forgot about it.

I’m glad it worked out for you. Maybe I’m not so crazy after all.

I had this thought last fall when my garden was overflowing with pumpkins.  I wanted to do a partigyle - capping the mash for the second runnings with roasted pumpkin seeds for a pumpkin ale/pumpkin stout.  I was gonna call them Ichabod Crane Ale and Headless Horseman Stout.  Then I remembered that I don’t really like pumpkin ales.

Now I remember that its the spicing that I don’t like and that I should have done it anyway… I usally try to live by the Butthole Surfers motto ‘Its better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven’t done.’  Must have had a moment of wekness there…

;D :smiley: ;D :smiley: ;D :smiley: or mebbe you are  :-\

Time will tell ;D