Purple Haze?

Has anyoneheard of the beer purple haze? My buddy keeps asking me to make it. I think it’s a wheat beer with berries in it. He also said leines berryweis sunset wheat…i dunno…but I think that stuff taste like chasing your cough syrup with a crappy wheat bear.

[u]Abita Purple Haze[/u]

Any ideas on how to relicate it?

do what i do and avoid it. ;D
albita has some good beers,  i really like their turbodog and a few others, but i am not a fan of the purple haze. good enough to drink if offered to me, but i would not spend money on it.  i would approach it the way most fruit beers are done. some wheat beer and about a pound per gallon of the desired fruit.  i am not sure but i think that beer is actually brewed as a lager but i don’t know.

I tried a raspberry wheat from midwest supplies I like the flavor but the extract it came with did not add enough flavor. I am going to add 5 pounds of frozen raspberry to the secondary but I am worried sanitization of the raspberry or should I be fine? Would any spice go good with a standard wheat with raspberry in it? I want to make it interesting.

no worries about sanitation the freezing process will stun any bugs to the point that the remaining yeasts will be able to overcome them, also the alcahol content and low ph will prevent anything bad.

I am drawing the recipe up in beersmith 2 is there a way to add fruit in the recipe builder all I am finding is extract

Looks like you can go to “Help”->“Add-Ons”->“+” and there’s a fruit add on you can install.

When you create a new recipe there’s a slew of fruits in there now. (It seems to only show up when you start a new recipe instead of editing)

You could also just add it as the appropriate amount of sugar and all the calculations would work out.