Raspberry Hananero Wheat

Just brewed a split batch this weekend.  This was of of them.  Took a pic right after I pitched, turned out pretty cool so I thought I’d share:

Looks like it will be hot!

I had asked a couple weeks ago about Habaneros in beer. My understanding you would only need a couple chopped Habaneros. That looks like a whole lot!

Haha!  I know.  It’s going to be VERY hot.  To be honest, this beer isn’t for me.  My roommate is the pepper head and nothing is ever hot enough.  I decided to prove him wrong, not with a hot sauce, but with a beer.  Also, every pepper beer I’ve ever had hasn’t had much spice to it, so I wanted to kick it up.  Total experimental beer though.  The other half of this split batch is a strawberry wheat for my girlfriend.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.  Might be the least sessionable beer in history due to the heat!

Look - Even the yeast are scared of the peppers!

Just siphoned over to the secondary a bit early to get it off the peppers.  It’s definitely spicy, but not like you’d think.  Yeast is still kicking strong too!  I soaked the habaneros in vodka on brewday.  The vodka shots afterward were VERY hot, I’m thinking this may have stolen a lot of the heat, for better or worse.  Time will tell!  The raspberries are coming through nicely too.

I very interested in this brew and how it turns out. I am going to make a Habanero IPA very soon. I want it to be drinkable by spicy food people. My friends are all waiting for my habanero beer after I made my “Habanero Handbook” cookbook.

OP : Give your roommate a link to my cookbook :slight_smile:
