I recently brewed a Belgian Pale Ale with BE-256. The beer came out good but didn’t have a lot of the Belgian character that my wife wants. The character was very subdued. I was first thinking of using T-58 in the next iteration of this beer but have seen some negative comments about the yeast especially from Dave Taylor whose opinions on yeast I strongly respect. Another thought was to use Wyeast 3522 which would mean making a starter that I was trying to not have to make but will do one if it is the better strain.
I know that a BPA is not supposed to have a lot of phenolics in it but am trying to suit my wife’s palate. I don’t want to overdo it and have it taste like a Belgian IPA. I can probably control the temperature to keep it cooler to keep the phenolics on the lower side.
So I am looking for feedback on whether I should can the idea of using T-58 (I am now thinking of maybe leaning toward 3522). Inquiring minds want to know. TIA
I actually like T-58, but in my experience, it will be very restrained in its Belgian character. I know Fermentis’s website says “intense fruity and phenolic flavors”, but my experience has been “mild fruity and phenolic undertones”.
Another vote for 3522. It and 3787 are my favorite Belgian yeasts, hands down.
The dry Belgian yeasts are okay, and I keep them in stock when I am not sure when I am going to get a chance to brew. But they aren’t as good as 3787 and 3522.
I recently split a batch between 3787 and 1388 (Duvel) yeast. 1388 is pretty nice if you want restrained phenolics, but I definitely preferred the 3787 version with it’s fruity esters.
i haven’t used T58 in forever, and i don’t think i would imagine doing so again. but for absoplute beginner brewers i think it is a great choice for a dry yeast if you just want a simple beer. i always found my t58 beers tasty and with no-fuss fermentations.
interesting goose - about BE256 - i dont know what to think about it.
its been a long time since I used it, but I typically ferment most my beers on teh cool side. I didnt feel the need to continue using t-58 because I didnt care for the pepper flavor
I’ve used BE 256 several times. I had the pretty much the same impression as Goose - some Belgian character, but not intense. I like it in a Belgian Pale Ale.