Question on handling water treatment chemicals

Getting my grains crushed and equipment ready to brew tomorrow.

If I were to weigh my water chemical additions --about 3 grams each of gypsum and calcium chloride–and simply dump those in the bottom of my dry brew pot today, would air or moisture cause them to lose their effectiveness by tomorrow about 24 hours from now?

I always sweat the details on stuff I don’t know about.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

I weigh in advance then wrap in foil til I’m ready to use them.

No problem with adding them early. Just be sure to stir them in the water or they may not be fully dissolved.

Wouldn’t they dissolve when the water is heated or is that too late?

The Calcium Chloride will liquefy and cause rust spot on equipment if left too long on a metal surface.  Since you taking its mass prior to its change from a solid to a liquid you should be fine. My chemistry is a little weak, since Martin didn’t seem concerned then I’m sure your good to go.