Rahr Pils vs Rahr Old World Pils

I am wondering if anyone has tried either of these and/or if someone knows the differences between the two.  I’m thinking of trying one of them on my next order.

Also I love Rahr 2-row but have heard some less than outstanding reviews of the pale malt.  Any feedback on this?  I love bitters.

Hold on…isn’t the pale malt 2 row?  What’s the difference?

The pale ale malt is 3-4L, the standard 2-row is around 1.7-2L.  a few people have told me the pale ale malt lends a bit of a candy-like caramel flavor that they don’t care for.  I’m torn since that might not be too bad in a best bitter.

Ah, I think I responded to a mistype…“Also I love Rahr 2-row but have heard some less than outstanding reviews of the pale malt”…I bet you meant pale ale there.

Right, I keep dropping the ale from pale.

I went ahead and ordered 2-row, Old World pils and the pale ale malt.  Figured I’d find out for myself what the stuff had to offer.  At $31 a sack it isn’t a big risk.

Who carries this? I can’t find any info on it.

Its coming through Brewers Supply Group, but I didn’t find anything from them or from Rahr.

Without seeing the spec sheets, I would guess that maybe the Old World is less well modified than the standard Pils?

I haven’t tried either of the Rahr products, but I’ve been using Cargill Europils for all our lagers and it’s really nice. In the same category as a Weyermann or Best pils malt, IMHO.

I don’t know if you can even get it, but if for some reason you don’t like the Rahr it’d be worth checking out.

I’ll do that, Cargill is one of the suppliers my guy rotates through.