Re-pitch yeast?

I brewed an IPA & forgot the whilfloc so I decided to cold crash it a couple days to make sure it cleared up ok.  Well…I had to leave town & other things got in the way.  It’s now been sitting almost a month at 34 degrees.  I want to bottle this weekend & am thinking I should re-pitch some yeast.  Should I do this and if I re-pitch, how much should I use?  It’s running about 8.14% (OG 1.082 FG 1.020) so I’m worried the yeast is beat up & then chilled out too long to carb up.

Thanks guys - always appreciate the wisdom from everyone.


You’ll likely be OK but for peace of mind, I’d add some yeast when you get ready to bottle.
You don’t need much, half a pack of dry yeast will be enough for 5 gal.
I’d rehydrate the yeast to make it easier to mix into the beer.

I’d say skip the rehydration, skip the yeast, just bring to +60F and bottle away

I would do this. It is cheap assurance to know your IPA will carbonate properly. And at 8+% ABV and 1 mos, your yeast will be pretty “drunk” and tired. Possibly too tired to carbonate your product.