
I’m sure this has been done to death, but after 20+ brews, I am way off my target FG. I made a PM version of Denny’s Waldo Lake Amber with Denny’s yeast. The OG was 1.062 and fermented at about 68 degrees for 14 days. The target FG was 1.014 (according to Beer Smith) but the gravity yesterday was 1.023. I’ve never been this far off and didn’t know if I should pitch some US-05, let sit for another week, or just rack to secondary and have a slightly sweeter beer than expected.

Any advice suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.


It could be due to the extract you used.  Did you add any sugar?  When I designed the extract kit if that recipe for NB, I added a lb. of sugar and it finished exactly where the AG version does.

I put my own kit together and used 4 lbs. Munich, 2 lbs. Carared, 6.4 oz. Melanoidin (I meant to use 8 oz, but 6.4 was all I had), 3 lbs. Extra Light DME, and hops - no additional sugar added. When I use Beer Smith I am usually within a point from being dead on, if not dead on.

Except when you aren’t, like this!  ;)  What was your mash temp and do you think it was accurate?  As to where to go from here, I’d give it one more week before doing anything.

Good point. My mash temp was 154 and I have no reason to think it’s not accurate. I have a good digital thermometer and it’s less than 1 year old. I’d guess you know this yeast best so I’ll put my patience to the test and wait a week. Thanks for your time and advice.

Get back to us in a week and let us know what’s up.  I’m guessing between the extract, the Munich, and the mash temp that you may be close to done.