Planning to brew an APA with a bag of Red X I just picked up. The malt sheet lists 11-13L. At 11 L, wondering about the acid contribution and if I should shift to 12 or 13L. Using it as the only base malt. I have it set such in Bru’n Water, but want to make sure I more or less hit a mash pH around 5.3. I like it dry - and plan to late hop with Willamette, Amarillo and a touch of Columbus.
Also - Red X seems like a super Vienna looking at the malt sheet and the previous posts on Red X. Will use a tiny bit of CaraPils, but wondering if I should consider some crystal malt?
I used 8% CaraRed with WY1450 with RedX, mashed 60min at 150 for an IPA. Horizon, Amarillo, Columbus and Citra. I don’t normally drink APAs or IPAs but I can’t get enough of this batch. The color is amazing.
If its new to you I really suggest 100% and about 1.055. It will be pretty and tasty and you’ll know how its similar to munich and how its different. For pH calculation I’d run it like a 15L. I’d also mash for 90.
i just made red x ipa pale ale and its all you need in the grist. also as far a PH…mine ran about .25 lower than projected. just be prepared for more acidic mash.
EDIT: I also clocked a few extra points in OG…1.054 vs. 1.052. ended up 89% mash efficiency on this one.
Ok guys, describe it at 100% - as rich and malty as Munich ? More like Munich /Vienna ? Still haven’t used this and I just wanna know what I’d be getting at 100%. Does it out compete the hops in your IPA, Ken?
it does not out compete at all on my tastes so far. i will let you know when i carb it up in a week…i miss typed it is pale ale not IPA. i went about 45 ibu and will be dry hopping. the same recipe and hop schedule i use with pale malt base APA and so far the hops are just as prevalent as that.
That’s what I’d heard a few times - sounds great. I’d like to use it as the base in a red lager (with balanced hoppiness), or maybe even Jim’s Irish red idea. I like the idea of an all Red X American style too, though.
Which munich? I only have experience with Great Western, Weyermann, and Best Malz. I would put 100% RedX at 1.055 as being related to all of these, but not exactly. The best way I can describe it is a sharper version of a blend of all three. But keep in mind that my 100% RedX beer was an Irish Red with wy1084 and it finished fairly dry. The sharpness also may have been pH.
My next brew day is Saison, but next on deck is an American Mixed Fermentation Sour (BJCP 2016 Guidelines) using 100% RedX at 1.055. No hops in the boil. Lacto for a week then Brett L. Dry hopped with Willamette. Really looking forward to it. I expect is to be ridiculously complex for such a simple recipe.
Cool. I think I have a better picture of it now. I was just trying to compare it to a heavy all Munich beer. Those upcoming beers of yours sound great.
Yeah not heavy at all. I compare to the all Vienna APA and IPA. Little malt up front and in the finish. No sharpness for me…I agree Jim may have gotten that from PH. Here’s a pic out of fermenter.
Wow. I need to seriously rethink this recipe then. Tasting the dry malt, I put it closer to Vienna, but a bit maltier. Now wondering if I should tip the hopping toward more German/Czech nobles than citrus 'Merican hops.
Ok, sold. May still toss in a bit of CaraPils for security. My last SMaSH had some head retention problems.
I might push the sulfate a bit. Last APA I went all in on the BWS Pale Ale profile - turned out well and scored a couple of great score sheets.
I was targeting about the same IBUs anyway… 49-ish, but some of the hops are from 2011, vac sealed and frozen. The Willamette and Amarillo are brand new.
Ok, I see what y’all mean. Super Munich. Just finished lautering and ramping up the boil. Really interesting color - very red. Can’t wait to see this in the glass. The taste of the wort is super-malty.
Ok the final recipe below. I got 8 extra points of efficiency to boot, this stuff mills a lot like fat Maris Otter. Really nice. Made a shift from WLP001 to Nottingham because I want the malt to shine. 15L was the right setting in BWS - I came in at 5.36, +0.03 over the estimated mash pH. Color is pretty much a middle red to copper color. Should be pretty in the glass.
11 gallon batch
20# Red X Malt
1.5# CaraPils
Used the BWS Pale Ale profile, pickling lime to raise alkalinity, 100% RO
90 minute mash at 152F - had some issues hitting strike temp, overshot to 160F and dropped to 152F
FHW with 1 oz Magnum and Amarillo, 45 minutes lauter
Whirlfloc @ 15 minutes
Whirlpool/Stand 30 minutes above 180F, 2 oz Willamette + 1 oz Columbus
Nottingham, will ferment low at 64F. Will dry hop with a couple of ounces of Amarillo and Williamette.
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out. I can imagine a rich dubbel or a dunkel using this and being really nice.
I dry hopped with an addition 2 oz of Amarillo and 1 oz of Williamette. Used some polyclar and it cleared nice and bright. Lovely red color… big malt character fights a bit with the hoppyness, but very drinkable. I have no idea where to put this relative to a style… no toasty or roasty notes like a brown ale, way too hoppy for an Irish red… will add a picture in a few…
I can see this as a sub in with 2-row or pils for color and some malty tones in a pale ale. I wonder how it would do in an Octoberfest or Dunkel.