regulator questions

OK, initial setup was “basic” so I got a regulator from LHBS that is just that, a regulator and a low pressure gauge. I now need to add a bottle pressure gauge to that. They’re cheap, no problem. Looking at all the regulators (mine is a Corney) it appears that they are all the same in that the 3 o’clock position is the bottle, 12 and 6 are low pressure, be it nipple/tube or gauge, and that 9 is bottle pressure and that’s where the bottle gauge goes.

Looking at double regulators it appears that all they do is put a nipple in the 9, then the next regulator and it all repeats as above.

Doesn’t it therefore follow that one can add more? One could have 4 regulators with gauges daisy chained, with a bottle pressure gauges at the end…? This eliminates the need for a manifold and would allow fine tuning of the carbonation for different styles…

Are all my assumptions correct?

You mean something like this?

PRECISELY! Except you appear to have safety valves on yours…wait I do too, except it looks different and it’s at 7 o’clock. Different brand… VERY COOL!

Now I have to find the regulator bodies without paying for a bottle connector…

And, out of curiosity, you have shutoffs… Doesn’t the bottle connector work as a shutoff? Why did you go through the trouble of putting all the shutoffs on?

Costs more to do it your way, but you can control the pressure for each.

The shutoffs are so you don’t always have to have a bottle connector hooked up, or you can switch lines without having to shutoff the main gas connection.  There’s also check valves so beer can’t flow up into the regulator body.  And having accidentally attached a gas line to the wrong post of a carbonated keg when there was no pressure in the regulator, I highly recommend check valves. :slight_smile:

I bought it from, it came assembled and I thought it would be easier than buying the bits and doing it myself.

And for what it’s worth, there’s really no need for a high-pressure gauge on the tank.  You’re only measuring the pressure of the gas above the liquid, which is dependent on the temperature of the tank and is not a reflection of how much gas is left in the tank until the tank is nearly empty.

Roger that… good prices at that outfit. 8)

Yes, good prices.  Some people have had bad experiences with them, but I’m happy with my one transaction and would buy from them again.


I bought most of the parts for my kegerator from them and was happy with them.  A little lengthy shipping times but otherwise A-okay.