Remaining NHC sites

Any thoughts on the delay for the remaining sites. Seems like its been more than a week since we’ve seen an update to the results.  I’m getting curious (and anxious).


You might want to review the Competition Information page to see when judging is scheduled for the site you are curious about.  All sites that have already held judging have had their results posted.  Any sites that haven’t posted yet simply haven’t judged yet.

I assume with last week being Easter, they didn’t schedule any comps since it may be hard to get judges due to family events.  8 regions left to judge over the next 3 weekends.

Also, can I say the AHA is kicking butt getting these results out.  The first weekend the results were posted that following Friday.  I expected the 2nd weekend to take longer since it was 3 regions instead of one, but those were posted the following Friday as well.  Nice work AHA!

Hi Guys,

The way the dates are chosen for the 12 competitions in 12 different cities and states is this.  We have a 4 week (or 5 weeks with Easter) stretch, during which the competitions can take place.  It is completely up to the local organizers to select the weekend for their competition.  Typically, organizers avoid trying to judge on Easter weekend, and during a known spring break time, plus they also try to balance the date to not conflict with surrounding/regional competitions, etc.

In any given year, it is entirely possible that all 12 competition will occur on the same weekend.  If this is the organizers’ choices, then that is the way the competition will happen.  Keep in mind that not all 12 competition winners lists will be posted simultaneously since the results must be verified by me and John Moorhead before each winners list is posted.

BTW, the competitions are all registered with the BJCP in December, so the dates of the different locations are available on the BJCP calendar well ahead of the competition registration process.


Here’s the link Janis mentioned:

If you don’t mind giving people a peek behind the curtain, could you elaborate a little on the verification process?  Some people seem to question what takes so long to verify.  I’m assuming it involves at least going through summary sheets to verify the places entered match what was entered into the system as well as verifying that the entries that placed met the minimum score to advance.  Any other info you’re willing to provide would be great.

Just a guess that they also verify the entrant is in fact an AHA member. That they paid, I suppose.  It would be embarrassing to have someone win ninkasi just to find out later they aren’t qualified to enter.

Glad I didn’t pick Nashville again, 202 left to judge tonight/tomorrow.

Wow.  Even with exporting the ciders and meads?

Nashville exported the cider/mead categories?  Do you know where they went?

Indy.  In capable hands.

Great! Thank you.

Wow!  That is crazy.  I have never heard of them doing this before.  I have heard of them needing to call in judges from other regions to help complete the task, but not this. Interesting…

We used to do it years ago with San Diego shipping entries up to LA for judging, but San Diego has enough judges to do all that on their own now while we’re busy tackling our own big comps.

Very capable hands.

IIRC, they had the same issue last year though not as bad. Us judges ain’t stupid. We aren’t going to crappily run comps anymore. Let’s hope that there are other sites that the AHA can choose from for 2017 First Round besides Nashville.

Same with us up here in Seattle.  We used to have to split the comp between Seattle and Portland because neither had enough judges.  We’ve concentrated on recruiting/training new judges up here, and now we never have a problem getting enough judges any more.

I can vouch as a non club member, middle of no where, who’s that guy… guy, that the Seattle judge scene is awesome. Great people who are very inclusive, willing to share info, and don’t snub the newbies. This is a must have trait for anything voluntary that wants to grow. You can’t be thinking you are too cool or important, and expect new folks to worship yoir awesomeness and tollerate the snubbing as they work their way up to usefulness. This is beer judging, not prospecting for the Hells Angels.

Kudos Seattle!

They should probably move the Nashville site to a larger city. Maybe Atlanta. Atlanta could draw judges from Florida, the Carolinas, and the Deep South.

Judges from the south will drive to Atlanta just as easily as the would Nashville.

I think this region (the Deep South) likely has a smaller number of judges to draw from. Tennessee sits on top of Alabama and Mississippi. We just got legalized Homebrewing less than 3 years ago and we are in the Bible Belt.

Same here in KC, but to a smaller extent to far. We have enough local judges to cover a 500-600 bottle comp at 7-8 beers a judge pair without a problem. But it wasn’t always like that. Our judge pool has grown 400% in the past two years because of recruitment, education, and a concerted effort to grow the pool (making it easier on all of us).

If we do a little recruitment of our semi-local judge friends, we can easier cover any size beer comp. Hell, at our big comp (600 entries) this past February we had flight sizes in the 3s for some people. Average beers per judge pair was 5.1 beers per flight. Going from 20ish active judges locally to that, it was awesome seeing tangible evidence of the hard work we had all put in over the past years.

And our mead exam results should be in soon, so we will go from 0 Mead Judges to 12! Woot!