This is a Belgian pale ale primarily pilsner malt with magnum for bittering and dry hopped with cascade and citra. While it pours nice with a long lasting head. The cascade aroma is really nice but the citra is overdone and has a cat piss flavor:(
Sorry but this one missed the mark for me. The cascade would have been enough without the citra even being there, not sure I’m even pouring a second glass from the bomber.
Nope, Chicago’s Revolution Brewing. I’m not saying all their beer is bad, I really don’t know as I have not had a lot of their beers but this one was suggested by the craft beer dude at the liquor store and it just really missed the mark.
Interesting that neither has applied for the trademark. The Chicago brewery is planning to be big. I went to their party when they opened their production brewery and they’re only using 1/4 of the space in the building.
I haven’t had this beer, but everything I have had has been excellent. Their porter is probably my favorite domestic porter (nothing beats Fuller’s porter on cask!) and their IPA is excellent.