I had two years worth of good Centennial and modest Willamette growth in my backyard. I stupidly put down some weed killer to take out some Creeping Charlie late last Fall, and well, I think I killed my hop vines.
If anyone has some extra rhizomes to share or trade for beer, please let me know. I’m interested in German and English varieties (or American substitutes) that grow well in northern Illinois like Sterling, Santiam, Willamette, Golding, etc. and/or Centennial and Cascade.
I live in the western suburbs but work in the northern suburbs and am willing to drive a bit.
My hop vines have barely begun growing and I’m in Chicago so your vines might still be dormant. I have CTZ and have not been satisfied with their flavor so I won’t offer them to you, but if you really want a rhizome PM me.
I’m not near Chicago, I’m in NE Ohio. But similar climate no doubt. Anyway, strangest thing, I just got talking to someone who turns out to be a hop farmer here. Said they’re just beginning to peek out of the ground. So you might be rewarded for your patience.
EDIT Oh, I recall the farmer also mentioned in passing that they put down herbicide in the fall to get ahead of weeds. So you may be just fine on that count too.
Update: I waited a week since my original post then threw a couple of rhizomes into my AIH order. This afternoon as I was ripping out weeds to plant the new rhizomes I saw the first shoots from my 3 year Centennial and 2 year Zeus. The shoots must be less than a week old as we got 5” of snow last Sunday. Amazing!
I can use the new Mt. Hood rhizomes to replace the Willamette that didn’t make it.