
A search showed that this has been talked about before so perhaps someone can link me to the appropriate thread.

I have a surplus of this right now, just wondering about a rhubarb wheat beer for summer.  Anyone tried using it?  How much in 5 gals to give a presence?  Would a wheat be the right choice?  What yeast?  I’m going to harvest and freeze it because we are having a postal strike and I don’t want to order yeast until thats over but I would think it wouldn’t matter and may help release the flavour if I do this.  Add to primary or secondary?  Dumb idea - don’t bother?

Thinking 45/45/10 wheat/pilsner/crystal 45 malt with a touch of cascade hops but not much.  Crystal for a bit of sweetness to balance the tartness.  Would Vienna be a better choice than Pilsner for this reason?

Please advise.

adding C45 to it, you’re going down a dunkleweizen path… I don’t think you need it at all. I’d say 50/50 mix of pale/wheat. If you want/feel you need to darken it up a bit or add some ‘sweetness’ then use vienna instead of the pale malt. As for how much of rhubarb to use… its been so long since I’ve had it, I remember its tart but not how strong the flavor is. I would say add it to secondary though.

Thanks Ehall.  Any other thoughts?