thoughts on a wheat beer(non hefe)

Hi everyone. It’s been far too long. Finally work has slowed down and I’m brewing tomorrow. Thinking about an easy sippin’ wheat beer.

I haven’t put the recipe together just yet but wondered if anyone has made one with 50/50 Maris Otter/white wheat or 50/50 Munich/white wheat? I have both on hand and thought I would try something different. Probably will have some Amarillo, Centennial and Citra hops in the mix and Wyeast 1450.



sounds tasty either way.

If you are going for something “summery” I would choose the MO but that’s obviously just for my taste. I think either would be good depending on what you are going for. I did a 50/50 vienna/white wheat once that turned out pretty good.

I just kegged my american wheat and am very excited for it. Mine is 50/40/10 Pilsner/White Wheat/Flaked Wheat

I had the same idea and just brewed one with 3/4lb Carawheat, 3lb white wheat, 4lb pale 2-row and used Wyeast 1945. Should be low alcohol, but retain some wheat character without being too American Wheat or too Hefe. Whichever malt you choose, let us know. I’d be curious to try it after mine is done fermenting. I love wheat beers but hate them too. I’ll drink them nonstop a couple weeks and then none for months.

I ended up using 50/50 Munich/wheat. Brew day went pretty well other than a few minor hiccups. I’m brewing again Monday. An IPA recipe I haven’t brewed in a while. Looking forward to it. I forgot how relaxing brewing can be!

Thanks for the input/thoughts.



I like just 50/50 wheat/pilsner or 2-row.  I love doing an all-late hopped Citra/Amarillo bomb in the last 10 mins or so.  I can see that being on the list soon.

+1.  Me too.