Rice hulls

I purchased a 800 pound sack(figuratively) of rice hulls about a year ago. They are kept in a cool basement at 45%rh, sealed tight in the original material. WTBS, how long can one expect to keep these without problems?

Maybe forever? I just used the last of my bag that were maybe 4 years old.

I had some that were way older than Jeff’s, maybe 8 years or so old in a sealed bag and they were still fine when I used them.

I rescued an entire unopened sack (50 pounds?) from the dumpster outside my local homebrew supply store at least seven or eight years ago and still have over half a sack even after sharing with all my friends.

That is a lot of rice hulls, Jeffy!  I was at my LHBS the other day and one of the guys there was buying a 50# bag of them.  He said that he uses a lot of them, ya think?  I don’t think I could use that much in a lifetime!  ;D

I call it a lifetime supply.  Same with my 16 ounce bottle of Fermcap S.

Ooh, I want a 16 oz bottle of Fermcap S!  I’ve just come into 2L of Sinamar, and a significant supply of Whirlfloc,  BrewTan B, and Polyclar, and enough zinc sulfate heptahydrate to last several lifetimes.  I am now committed to brewing into my 90s.  [emoji3]

I’ve got a qt. of Fermcap in my fridge.  I haven’t used it in 8 years, so I guess that’s more than a lifetime supply!  Same with rice hulls…I don’t need than, so the lb. I’ve got will last forever!

Not sure how I came about having that many pounds but by the sound of it I’m good for at least 7 more years!!
Now I just might start looking at some other items laying around the brewery and fridge! LOL!!

I could easily go through quite a few #s of hulls in a year -  if they weren’t so freaking expensive, it chaps my @ss to have to pay as much per pound for what is essentially a waste byproduct as I pay for brewing grains.

I’ve ordered it by the pallet many times before!  :wink: