Just one more question, ma’am.
I will raise a pint to Mr. Falk tonight.
God, I LOVE that movie!!! The remake totally sucked.
I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
Awesome movie… not sure if there’s some stigma with the word princess, but most people I know were secure enough to get over that when they turned 12.
I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
I’ve watched it but have always been to soused to finish. Seriously, every single time.
…and now I’m watching Stargate SG1 in French. What?
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
Meh… it’s an unfettered moment of awesomeness from child hood and there’s a relative paucity of folks my age who I can’t say “Hello, my name in Indigo Montoya” and have them finish the line.
the movie was good, but another case where the book was way better. there are so many awesome things from the book… my favorites are the Dread Pirate Roberts & the ROUS
I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve heard of who hasn’t watched and loved it. I’m sorry for you…

the movie was good, but another case where the book was way better. there are so many awesome things from the book… my favorites are the Dread Pirate Roberts & the ROUS
Great book. I’ve watched the movie several times although I agree the book was even better.
“You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
I named a Russian Imperial Stout “Rodents of Unusual Size” once but nobody got it.

I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve heard of who hasn’t watched and loved it. I’m sorry for you…
I’m now officially embarrassed. I got this mixed up with The Princess Diaries, which was silly and sucked. I haven’t seen the Falk movie, so I won’t comment on it.
I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve heard of who hasn’t watched and loved it. I’m sorry for you…
I’m now officially embarrassed. I got this mixed up with The Princess Diaries, which was silly and sucked. I haven’t seen the Falk movie, so I won’t comment on it.
He’s only in it a little bit, but I think it’s a classic.
I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve heard of who hasn’t watched and loved it. I’m sorry for you…
I’m now officially embarrassed. I got this mixed up with The Princess Diaries, which was silly and sucked. I haven’t seen the Falk movie, so I won’t comment on it.
So, ironically, now you’re the only guy I’ve heard admit that they actually watched the Princess Diaries
I’m now officially embarrassed. I got this mixed up with The Princess Diaries, which was silly and sucked.
Oh, well in that case, I’m in total agreement!
I loved him in Colombo, but really the thing that cemented him in the heart of my generation was the grandfather in Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve ever heard admit that they actually watched Princess Bride.
You have to be the first person I’ve heard of who hasn’t watched and loved it. I’m sorry for you…
I’m now officially embarrassed. I got this mixed up with The Princess Diaries, which was silly and sucked. I haven’t seen the Falk movie, so I won’t comment on it.
Oh jeez, I’m so sorry for you having to sit through that one.
I’m now officially embarrassed. I got this mixed up with The Princess Diaries, which was silly and sucked. I haven’t seen the Falk movie, so I won’t comment on it.
No sweat… it’s an awesome movie with a Princess, a pirate, a giant and a revenge driven Spanish swordsman. And a grandfather and grandson.