
Need some reviews. As usual, Fermentis isn’t giving me the best description. From what I can tell it’s a Belgian yeast? If so, how does it compare to T58?

S-33 is NOT Belgian.  It is the old Edme ale yeast from 15 years ago, resurrected.  It was the standard yeast thrown into a lot of homebrew kits.  It is actually a very good yeast, but English in nature, not Belgian.  My own notes that I’ve compiled from various sources over the past couple of years:

“A general purpose, widely-used ale yeast with low sedimentation properties that can perform in beers up to 11.5% ABV. This strain is extremely consistent, with excellent wort attenuation and a superb flavor profile. Flocculation: Low.  Attenuation: 75%.  Optimum temp: 59°-75° F.  This is the old Edme ale yeast.”

I haven’t used it in about 15 years so I don’t have any more specific comments about flavor or anything.  But from what I gather from many sources, people like it, and I wouldn’t hesitate to use it again.  I might have to give it a shot sometime.  Maybe in a bitter or ESB or something like that.  Even an IPA.  It’s certainly versatile… and it’s certainly NOT Belgian, contrary to sources up to and including the manufacturer themselves!!!  Fermentis… they don’t speak English so good, eh!

Thanks. As usual, I was confused by their description.

“A very popular general purpose yeast, displaying both very robust conservation properties and consistent performance. This yeast produces superb flavour profiles and is used for the production of a varied range of top fermented special beers (Belgian type wheat beers, Trappist, etc.). Sedimentation: medium. Final gravity: high. Also recommended for bottle-conditioning of beers. Excellent performance in beers with alcohol contents of up to 7.5% v/v but can ferment up to 11.5% v/v.”

Man, I hated the Edme yeast strain.

I have used it in a dark mild and a nut brown ale. I thought it was a decent yeast. It didn’t seem to be as fruity as most other English strains. The most important thing to note is that the attenuation will be lower than most other yeasts.

I tried it in a Belgian Wit once.  Didn’t get much in the way of phenolics from it IIRC.

Back in October I used it in an APA that went from 1.050 to 1.010: 80% attenuation.
It was well past it’s best by date so I also threw in a well past it’s best by date pack of Munton’s.
It was kind of weird: reading 1.014 after nine days then 1.010 after three weeks.