Belgian Pale Ale yeast

Howdy folks,

I urgently need a replacement yeast for De Koninck yeast that someone cultivated. I have fears that it’s infected. The Wyeast and WL yeasts are unavailable.

And, seriously, don’t give me the trappist or other Belgian yeast crap story. De Koninck yeast has English origins.

Thank you for enduring my passive aggressiveness. I’m in a bit of a hurry. But you already knew that.

Fermentis S-33 or K-97?

S-33 no thank you. K-97, don’t know. I need a high flocculation yeast because I need to serve the beer two weeks after brewing it :slight_smile: I can do spunding.

Plus low diacetyl :slight_smile:

WLP090 San Diego Super?

It’s basically a faster fermenting version of 1056. WY1272 fermented around 68F would give a slight fruitiness that might work well.

Edit - It flocs a little quicker than 1056. A couple days at 32F doesn’t hurt either.

Seems like a good idea, thanks!

Belle Saison yeast at about 70F will throw just a hint of Belgian character that I found to be just right for BPA. I still had to raise the temperature to about 80F after about 5 days in order for the beer to ferment down to a low FG.

Northern brewer has it in stock. Omega Belgian ale DK.

Martin, I happen to be from Antwerp, the home town of De Koninck, so I know this beer very well. A saison yeast will not do in my humble opinion. The yeast has to be quite clean, and there should remain some residual sugar in the beer.

I’m assuming you haven’t brewed with the Belle Saison yeast? I also wouldn’t assume that it would have any suitability for a BPA, but my results suggest that it can be clean enough for BPA brewing.

Have you considered Chico plus a flocculant English strain? I’ve use US-05 plus Winsor a few times in combination with good results, and I know that White Labs was marketing a combo of 001+002 (I forget what the number was for the blend).

I have not. But I have judged a number of saisons that I assume were made with Belle Saison, and I’m not too much of a fan.

Good to know, but unfortunately I can’t find it in Belgium.

Yes, also a good possibility, but in the meanwhile I’ve decided on American ale 2. I hope I’ll get the beer ready in two weeks…

Good choice IMHO. Bry-97 is the dry equivalent, I think.

Agreed, although it does tend to be a slow starter if fermentation speed is an issue. It does floc better than Chico in my experience, however.

I brewed a BPA last weekend as well.  Would you mind sharing your recipe?

S-33 isn’t a Belgian yeast.

Or k97