Go and- no wait! Run and get yourself a bottle of this nectar. This is suddenly my favorite beer. Aggressive citrus hop character and florally perfumed.
A collaboration between Schneider and Brooklyn breweries: “…a delicious blend of Bavarian craftsmanship and American ingenuity… A pale weissbock robustly dry-hopped with the Hallertauer Saphir variety…”
I bought 2 of them last week in Austin TX, drank one last night and was very disappointed. I really hoped for something different, it’s hard to explain what I didn’t like about it. I love German beer, I’m starting to enjoy hoppier beers but this one seemed to have characteristics of neither. I’l try the second one in a week or so just in case my taste buds were on strike that day.
When this came out a couple years ago, it quickly became my “new favorite beer.” There’s a version from the German brewery that uses noble hops and one from N.Y. that uses American hops. I like the U.S. version better.
I guess I have the German version. Utterly enjoying one right now. I’m getting passion-fruit. At 8.2% the alcohol is barely noticeable. This could be some exotic fruit drink.