Shiner Frost

Just came home with a Shiner “Frost” Dortmunder style. Probably one of the best I’ve ever had from the brewery. That includes their flagship bock…

Hoppy. Grainy. Malty!

I have not seen this around yet, and I live in the land of Shiner. Damn, need to go looking.

HEB has it. Supposed to be released in January according to online sites. I’m working on a 12 pack of it. I can’t remember buying a 12 of anything Shiner in a long time.

Sure hope they keep brewing it because they hit on something here. Now I’m sorry I haven’t tried the Cheer- suspicions are its gone…

I guess it would just about have to be better. Their “bock” isn’t really a bock at all, and quite frankly, isn’t very good, either.

I’m going down to south Texas this month and I’m planning on making Shinner a major stop on my way.

Looking forward to trying “Frost”

Did ya try it?

I thought is wasnt too bad. As with all of Shiners beer; they are looking for a large target market and their beer are always lite for each style. Shiner Bock was the brewers interpretation of a German Bock with what they could get in Shiner Texas in the early 1900’s.

It may be my imagination but Shiner Bock seems even lighter in body and flavor than it did in the 1980’s before it was widely available.

The Frost was pretty good though!

I tried it Rad!

Hell, I went and bought two more sixers. Never had a Dort before, and I’m sure this isn’t a prime example, but I like it. Really crisp and refreshing. Between it and the Smoked Helles they’re making, I’m really liking Shiner’s seasonal line-up.

Robert, I really really liked this’un. Drank at least a case of it. Truly one of their better beers. The hoppiness of Frost is an unusual departure for the Spoetzl brewery.

Most of their lineup has been lackluster, and I agree with Shiner seeming lighter- but that may be perception, and educated tastebuds compounded by time LOL.

Really only prefer the Shiner cans if available. Sometimes the bottles are so sour I can’t hardly drink more than one. I haven’t got this from the cans.  A visit to the brewery is in the works. Only an hour away.

This the second time I’ve heard of someone preferring “shiner in the can”.  Years ago, a friend of mine was in a bar in Texas and one of the locals kept going on and on about how he was in the right bar because they got “shiner in a can”.  It’s the only beer I remember hearing it’s better in the can and now I’ve heard it twice.

Oops- am I allowed to say “it’s better in the can”?  :o

Cans are experiencing a comeback

I had one for the first time while watching the Canada vs. USA hockey game (somehow seemed appropriate  :smiley: )… and thought it was one of the better beers I’ve had from Spoetzl along with the Bohemian Black Lager, Commemorator & the Smokehaus. I still think the original Kosmos Reserve (on draught) was the best beer I ever had from them, but then again it was on the brewery tour years ago, so everything’s better at the source.  :wink: