Traditional/Dunkles Bock

Anyone have any suggestions for good commercial examples? Especially in the Austin, TX area? Of the ones I’ve been able to find, I like St. Arnold’s Spring Bock. This seems to be one of those difficult styles to find. I can find many more Maibocks and Dopplebocks, but not a lot of Traditional Bock.

Most examples are mai or doppel, which is fine. But I must be in the minority, traditional bock is my favorite version (for drinkability), with doppel being second. Find Einbecker Bock-Dunkel or Aass Bock if you can IMO. Both are nice.

You should have no problem finding Shiner Bock in your neck of the woods, right?  :wink:

As a go-to in places that only have a small beer selection I like it.

As a representative of the style, I don’t really count it at that ABV. Maybe I should cut it some slack :wink:

All in good fun - Shiner is to Traditional Bock as Miller Lite is to Pilsner.    ;D

I figured you were joking but wanted to be neither an ass nor a snob. That beer got me through long periods where the only other choice was Miller Lite :slight_smile:

Neither - I’ve consumed both in quantity. Consider it research! I just wish they’s called it ‘Shiner Amber’ or similar and not Bock. This from the guy who used to buy Schlitz when it was slightly/modestly good !

If you can hunt down August Schell’s Heirloom Bock, that was really good when I had it, but I don’t know how traditional it is.  It’s probably also helped by coming from a brewery an hour away, as opposed to the always suspect german stuff.

Specs or Total Wine should have a number of German bocks. Unfortunately aside from the occasional doppelbock seasonal release there are not a lot of bocks in the Texas market other than the Saint Arnold’s seasonal bock.

Aside from Shiner Bock, of course. The saddest thing about Shiner is that they stopped brewing most of their German/German inspired beers in favor of brewing diluted versions of American craft beers. Many were pretty good renditions. (Ok the hefe was pretty bland.)

Totally agree. They used to do some stuff that was worth drinking. Ruby Red isn’t bad when it’s super hot, but that Poteet Strawberry thing would gag a maggot. Like licking a Fruit Roll Up.