I had one last week and liked it a lot. Meant to post some notes in your thread Jon but forgot. I have another in the fridge that I may get around to this weekend, if so, will post thoughts then
I think… the distributor that supplies our grocery store sucks. Its the first time I’ve seen it but it was bottled in February. It says right on it that its good for 100 days, and drink fresh. Its only a month past that. Its short on hop aroma. About all thats left is the bitterness actually. Flavor is citrus pith, and a little grapefruit zest. Long lasting tea leaf after taste. I’d love to try it fresh. This, not so much.
I think in Massachusetts a chain can have maybe three liquor licenses so its pretty rare. I don’t have a full size grocery in my town but the next town over has a sweet country store with some good craft beers and wines and in the summer there is a farm store in my town that has great homemade ice cream, craft beer, and even a few brewing supplies. They started home brewing a few years ago and last year bought the equipment from a defunct brewery at auction and are currently building a brewery at their farm.
Mark, here in Indiana, we can buy beer in a grocery store, but only licensed liquor stores can sell cold beer, and no alcohol on Sundays. Needless to say the drive thru across the street (Stateline Rd) is packed all day long on Sunday, especially during football season. With no refrigerated sales except in liquor stores, we won’t be getting Russian River products anytime soon, even if Vinnie ever decides to expand distribution again
Edit for my poor typing skills
the alcohol laws around this country still amaze me and just baffle me. i mean really… i can by warm beer but if its cold, its somehow inappropriate??? craziness!
Ohio’s most ridiculous is nothing sold before 10am on sundays, and hard liquor purchased in state liquor stores only.
Only allowing warm beer sales I’m told is supposed to lower the frequency of drinking and driving! If you think people buy cold beer to drink in the car on the way home, I guess it lowers the desirability of that but really can’t serve any other purpose but to fill the wallets of state licensed liquor stores
It’s literally a contest for which state has the most idiotic, nonsensical alcohol laws. But Frank beat me to it - Indiana’s laws have to be up there with the best (or more accurately, worst).
Right! with that mentality, i suppose selling guns in one store, and bullets in a different store across town , you’d have less crimes committed with guns :
ok back to regular programming on SN Harvest Single Hop!
Exactly Ken. I worked in enough restaurants in Ohio before the law changed that one particular law always frustrated us. You could sell beer on Sunday, but no wine or hard alcohol until 1pm. New servers made mistakes almost every week. Thank goodness they eliminated that nonsense
I bought one of these Idaho 7s, and it was OK. It had a young date, but seemed to not be as fresh as other SN high hopped products - so perhaps it was shipped or sat warm during distribution.
I remember one of the bright bulbs in the Utah legislature proposed banning selling singles at gas stations to combat drunk driving. Six-packs would have been a-ok, though :o
haha yep. although i have recently stopped drinking beer during the work week in an effort to get back into fighting form - amazing how quickly i dropped lb’s doing this. so i was quite enticed to drink , as friday is my beer night and my mouth was watering all the way home