Sierra Harvest 2015 Idaho 7

Anybody try this yet ? My wife picked up one for me today - and I absolutely love this Idaho 7 hop. The malt base is simple and unassuming - 2 row and pale crystal.  Pretty much deep gold, little or no orange, beautiful thick foam. Supposedly 55 IBU , with not much up front bitterness. It’s called an ‘IPA’ but in reality it’s more of a pale, hoppy APA to showcase a new hop, a great platform.

This hop (Idaho 7) is like nothing I’ve had - it’s sort of orange/ lemon/ herbal ,with a definite tea character , and a really pleasant but hard to define earthiness (ie., not ‘crappy earthy’ like Fuggles IMO). I’m assuming since Sierra is promoting this hop (like Equinox) that it’ll be trickling down to retailers at some point, and I can’t wait. It’s fairly assertive but not overpowering, and would work wonderfully in most any American style. Really unique, nice hop.

Nice review!

I haven’t seen it around here yet, but now I’ll be looking for it. I love all SN’s Harvest beers. Also interested in new and exciting hop varieties. Lots to be excited about here. Thanks.

I’m trying this now and your review is spot-on.  I wasn’t sure I’d like the black tea character but I’m really digging this - it really compliments the orange & apricot.  I’m finding this beer to be very pleasant and enjoyable,  especially as it warms.  Shoulda bought two!

Yeah, I could drink that regularly. I like the more ‘hoppy APA’ as opposed to high IBU IPA to eval hops. And those hops are great !

It definitely drinks like an APA.  And I could drink a lot of it too.  The fruit’s there, but doesn’t punch you in the face.  It’s funny, when I first cracked it open I didn’t get any of the citrus/fruit right away, just the tea.  My mind immediately thought “Dark German Beer” and now I’m wondering how Idaho 7 might play in an altbier or dark lager.

When someone says “black tea character” my mind thinks “astringent”. Is that there or is it strictly in the aroma?

Not in the slightest, but the tea character is there in both aroma and flavor.

I agree. It definitely doesn’t have the C hop character. Pretty complex.


I look forward to trying it. SN has really been stepping it up lately.

They have to step it up to pay for that new state of the art, fantasy brewery in Asheville.

And we’re reaping all the benefits MWAAA,hhaha. Well not all the benefits. I tiny, microscopic portion of the benefits really. But I hadn’t done an evil laugh in a while so…

Hey, I loved touring that brewery. It is state of the art for sure. The fantasy part I am not sure about.

Someday we will visit the restaurant and tap room now that those are open.