Been a lot of talk of fast beer lately. Well, darn it, I’m doing it! Got a bbq I’m planning next weekend, and my 10 gallons of wheat is about gone. It’s gone over real well with my friends here. Need to get something else on tap for the party. So, I’m doing my house IPA. I’ve done it in 8 days before. This time, I plan to brew on Saturday, and keg 5 gallons of it Friday night, and cold crash it. Saturday morning, I will force carb it, and be drinking by 6 p.m. that day. I’ll keg the other 5 gallons after it’s had a full 14 days. Call me crazy, but i’m doing it! 8)
Good luck! No dry hop?
What, for like three hours on Saturday afternoon? ;D
Gutsy move. Is it a big beer?
Post a follow up. You got me on the edge of my seat!
I’m calling you crazy.
Weaz, what’s the 8-day recipe? I just got notice that there’s a block party here in two weeks and I’d love to have an IPA ready in addition to the ESB I’m doing.
Good luck. BTW,ya gotta have a follow-up post on its success.
What OG are you looking for? Seems like a lot of the quick turnaround brews are in the sub-1.040 range.
IMO, as long as you have a good yeast starter and good fermentable wort, 8 days will work. Instead of dry hopping, a few times I have chilled the wort down to 180-170 and added some aroma hops. I let them sit for about 20 minutes at that temp and then continue to chill the wort.
I did this a few times back in CA when I brewed with Beverage Bob that see on the forums. Not quite the same as dry hopping, but a viable substitute IMO. I would say most of my ales are done fermenting in 3-5 days anyway.
Stranger things have happened.
Try keeping the gravity on the lower side of the IPA range to allow for a faster ferment.
As I mentioned in the “Fastest Beer” thread, I pulled off my first AG brew years ago in 9 days. Granted, it was fermented @ higher temps (70F…ish) in a water bath w/ a fan & t-shirt but it was without a starter and I didn’t know about crash cooling either. If I’d done those things, I bet I could have gone a lot shorter.
I think you can have an IPA ready in 6 days, but I’ll bet if you let it age for a couple of weeks, it’ll be a whole lot better.
I brewed a 1.070 IPA that I dumped on a yeast cake of WY1968, and in seven days after brewing it was kegged and tasting fantastic.
Yep, it can be done.
I sampled a 3 week old 8% Brown Ale last night and It sure tasted good as well. I can’t wait to taste it in a couple of months.
I’d have to go get my brewery computer right now for all the details on the recipe, but it’s something like 11# 2 row, and maybe 2# of 40*, Some Mags at 60 min, and cascade at 45,30,15, and FO. I do not recall the gravity of the top of my head. In the low 1050 area maybe? :-
Will definatly do a follow up. It’s pretty much my house IPA recipe. I know it taste better after a couple weeks, but it will be good. I think I stand a good fighting chance.
Did you get’er brewed up Weaz?
Doing it Saturday.
Pretty soon we’ll be seeing posts about brewing in the morning, drinking in the afternoon
Good luck and hope it turns out well. What temp do you ferment at to get done that fast?
How about drinking some wort and chasing it with a vial of liquid yeast?