Since I’m picking up some 300 lbs of grain this weekend, I guess I better!
Since I’m picking up some 300 lbs of grain this weekend, I guess I better!
An IPA “test” batch for a friends bachelor party in September.
Our club’s first club brew day! Robust porter and baltic porter.
Hey thats my next brew too… already have the grains sorted and mixed but haven’t milled them yet. Maybe I can brew the same day as your club.
IPA of some sort…
I’ll be at a conference in DC this weekend. Looking forward to checking out the Churchkey, a place with 5-6 cask ales on at all times.
Amarillo and Simcoe APA on Friday. My sister is coming in for her first visit to the new place and will be serving as assistant brewer.
Bluebeery wheat for a end of July beerfest for the local Lions club.
I’m thinking I need to make something with Tetnang & Sterling hops, Us-05 yeast, pils, munich, and a handful of Pale Choc.
I got MT fermenters and MT kegs…might as well …make BEER!
It is almost Saison Season…HOT weather brewing.
a honey american wheat…first time using wyeast 1010…any warnings/recommendations?
The first time I did my honey wheat, I split it in two and fermented one with 1056 and the other with 1010. I didn’t find that the 1010 gave any noticeably different character so I now do my honey wheat with just 1056 – Fewer yeast varieties to keep around.
firing up saturday morning:
12gal of Hersbrucker Pils then 6g of toasted oat witbier.
lightweight - a real man buys in 500lb increments. ;D
Nothing this week. I am making a starter for 11 gallons of APA next week.
I’m trying to put together a Yard’s Pale Ale clone recipe. Hopefully I can finish it up by this weekend.
My Mighty Zeus IPA, using mostly Zeus hops (go figure) with a splash of Willamette, Cascade and Goldings.
Brewing a pale ale. Using the CYBI Mirror Pond Recipe for some nice malt backround. But using Citra as bittering and jacking up the total IBUs a little. Fermenting with some Pacman and my plate filter came in today so it looks like the pale will be the first filtered batch.
Is this instead of the Mt. Hood hops combo Pils? I remember you posted a survey. I really enjoy the flavor German Hersbrucker hops passes on to lagers. Yum!
I’m not firing up the kettle because of school, but I do have to transfer a 10% Smoked Baltic Porter into a 10gal French Oak barrel. I’m debating whether to that because I feel the beers I’ve transfered and aged in the barrel have been losing body; I think the barrel is harboring some pedio, or lacto but not quite sure. I feel I should just age this beer in a 15 gallon stainless steel kegs with French oak cubes. ???
yeah - I have a little less Crystal than I thought I did, so my decision is kinda made for me.
I use H-B all the time, just never isolated in a pils - we’ll see how it turns out!