I have a fairly standard honey-hefeweizen that I make regularly. It’s 60% wheat, 25% pils and 15% honey at flameout, and fermented with WLP380. Normally I add just enough Hallertauer at 60 mins to balance, but I’m tempted with subbing in Sorachi Ace for its lemony flavours. So;
Will the dill notes from Sorachi muddle it?
Will the Sorachi even work with a clovey here yeast (I’m not switching to WLP340, I find American wheats too boring)?
Since its so high in AA, should I add it later and risk the hoppy notes, or add so little at 60 I won’t even notice the differences?
This recipe is already a favourite and never lasts long on tap. Should I just stick with a good thing here?
I say go for it. I really like Sorachi Ace and have used it a lot although more in APAs. I can’t comment on yeast interaction but I think the dill character is overstated. I do find it has some dill character but that it seems to become more apparent, in my experience, as the beer ages. I’ve said this before and others haven’t agreed so maybe I’m nuts too. I just find the character becomes more savoury with time, I think the hop character doesn’t fade evenly with the lemon fading first. If this beer goes quick, I bet you’ll like it.
I’m going to disagree. I’ve made IPAs, IBA’s, and cream ales with Sorachis for that exact reason. They were good, but not great. Its kind of a tricky hop, because the lemon is there, but that savory note is a bit off to me. They work great in a saison, but I don’t dig them in hop-forward styles.
On the other hand, other people loved the cream ale I made with them. I just don’t see how lemon/savory works with banana/clove.
All that being said, great versions of beers have come from ideas that were thought to be crazier than this! If you have a recipe that you can replicate and feel like tweaking it, I say brew on, brewer!