Late additions to a hefeweisen...??

I’m brewing a hefeweisenat the moment and I usd.3 oz of Sorachi Ace (4.9 AA) for min as a bitering charge (og 1.045).  Thinking of adding .4 oz of Sorachi at 15 min.  Does anyone else use latadditions in theit hefes?

No, I prefer to let the spice, banana and malt take center stage with this style.

Yep, with a hefe, it’s not about the hops.

Agreed, Hefe is not about hops.  You would not typically muddle the natural work of the yeast in this style.

But with some of the new hop varieties that get more into fruit and floral nuances, it may be a worthwhile experiment.  I could imagine that light use of sorachi, sauvin, citra, and others might add something that is a plus.

Go for it.

Schneider/Brooklyn makes Hopfen Weisse that might be a good example to look at for ideas.  They used different hops in the German and US versions, both are really good.

Thanks for the replies.  I added .4 oz at the 15 min mark.  It tasted good going into the germenter!!

We’ll see in a coupld of weeks.

Thanks again,
